Over 40 Years of Firearms Training

All-Safe Personal Firearms Training LEARN PROTECT SURVIVE
Mission Instructor 10 Things Courses Photos

Testimonials: Click Here To View Pictures

“I’ve always been around guns, but thanks to your class, I feel more confident than ever! Thank you again for all the information and training. Brigette and I truly did learn a lot and our confidence levels are boosted considerably. I look forward to your level two class in the spring!”    Thanks again, Jon D.

“I absolutely loved the class!  I definitely plan on attending the Level 2 course; I don't think I'd miss it if I had to crawl there. “   Carl S.

“Chuck’s teaching skills and positive energy is exceptional! He kept the class engaged the entire time, and took time to explain everything so it was easy to understand. He made you feel comfortable yet confident on the range while still testing your knowledge and skill. I would highly recommend taking one of his courses.”   Missy H.

“I just wanted to say “THANK YOU” for such an awesome class. I never knew there could be so much involved in learning about carrying a pistol. My wife and I had the best day ever! Your enthusiasm, knowledge and skill level is impressive. I initially was concerned that the class would be too long and become boring. Far from it! We walked away with a better understanding of what to do and how to handle an encounter with an attacker. We also now have a better understanding of how to properly and safely handle our firearms, how to carry them and also how to care for them. As a first time gun owner, my wife now has the confidence to practice and get better. It is amazing the difference that one class can make.

Please keep us on your list for the next level of classes that you will be having. We both can’t thank you enough for an incredible day of learning and fun.

I would recommend this class to anyone that wants to know more about carrying a concealed weapon and the responsibility that goes with it.”   Mike M.

Hi Chuck,

“Just wanted to say that it was an amazing class, you did a great job of teaching and keeping us entertained at the same time! Looking forward to the level ll class in the spring!”   Chad H.

“Chuck: The class exceeded my expectations. Everyone was impressed.”

Mike C.


Thanks so much for the informative class, we are very happy we signed up.  

Rob C.